BACH FLOWER REMEDY   A harmonious therapy for mental health   “ There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peac...

A harmonious therapy for mental health

This group of remedies are made from wild flowers and were discovered by Dr Edward Bach in England. Dr Bach was a qualified Allopathic doctor, who also, later got a degree in homeopathy, and practised it for a few years. Being dissatisfied with these streams of medicine, he spent six long years roaming jungles and collected several plants and flowers and produced 38 remedies which correspond to 38 possible changes of man’s mood. These are the Bach flower remedies.
 Modern medicine has now come to understand that more and more ailments have their origin in the mind. Most illnesses originate due to a disharmony between body and mind. Each flower remedy has a unique effect of correcting different states of mind or emotion such as, unknown fear, anxiety, mental torment, worries, self-pity etc., to state a few examples. Treating the feeling and emotion of the person, helps to unlock the healing potential in their body, thus alleviating their physical distress. Bach flower essences can be used as a useful adjunct to other systems of medicine

To quote Dr Bach “These remedies cure not by attacking the disease, but by Higher Nature, in the presence of which, disease melts away as snow in the sunshine.”

Many people exercise regularly to maintain fitness, while others suddenly get into the mental mode of sudden weight loss,  or fits of exer...

Many people exercise regularly to maintain fitness, while others suddenly get into the mental mode of sudden weight loss,  or fits of exercising after being inspired by someone,or  a television program. Some opt for the gym while others find the nearest yoga class.

Having practiced yoga asanas for many years, it flashed to me, how these ancient practices that have been derived by the rishis have so much physics and physiology hidden in them.

Acupuncture, is a system of treatment which has a very unique outlook of the body physiology and functioning. This system of medicine thou...

Acupuncture, is a system of treatment which has a very unique outlook of the body physiology and functioning. This system of medicine though widely popular in the eastern parts of Asia is yet to gain its popularity in India.
While the ancient Indian system of medicine is based on “nadis”, the acupuncture system is based on “meridians” both of which refer to flow of energy in specific channels which regulate the functioning of specific organs.
There are a total of 12 paired meridians mirrored on each side of the body which have been mapped by the ancient Chinese for the major organs of the body. There is also a deeper understanding of the flow of energy in the meridians which are defined as “YIN”, an upward flow of energy and “YANG”, a downward flow of energy in the body. (with some exceptions)

The 12 meridians include six “yin” ( representing  the solid organs) and six  “yang” (representing hollow organs). By convention, one yin and one yang organ is paired together.

These energy channels, contrary to common understanding do not correspond to the nervous network of the human body, but one could consider them to be similar to the flow of   current in an electrical circuitry. The current flow in the circuit for example within a building, has proper circuit  plan, its needs to be standardized and uniform at all times for proper working of all the electrical equipment.

Similarly a proper, uniform flow of energy which the Indian system calls the “Prana” and Chinese refer as “Qi” is essential for proper functioning of the various organs.
The principle of acupuncture treatment  is  to assess the degree of flow of energy in the meridians . After this assessment, the flow of energy in these meridians is regulated  by using fine needles to recreate the balance of energy in the meridian and thus indirectly restoring the normal functioning the organs.